Category Archives: Logistics

Call Sheet

Shoot 1:

Producer: Harry Donald Production: Music video ‘Stay Alive’ Joze G



Date of shoot: 6/8/16 Time: 12-5pm Location: woods


Personnel required:

1x camera operator/ Director

3X models/actors


Tom Hunt

Sami Medkour

Alex Lafleur

Equipment required:

Cannon 550D

50mm aperture lens

Shoulder rig


Detail of shoot: (scenes)

Tracking shots, created using the shoulder rig were shot in the woodland environment.

Long panning shots that track an actor’s movement across a field

Mid shots of actors standing and sitting by a fallen tree

Establishing shot of fields and sky line.


Special requirements: (details of props / costumes/ preparation)

Simplistic costumes compiling of shirt and jeans with main actor using the most colour in their costume.







Producer: Harry Donald Production: Music video ‘Stay Alive’ Joze Gonzalez


Date of shoot: 14/10/16 Time: 11am-4pm Location: woods, home, restaurant


Personnel required:

1x camera operator/ Director

3X models/actors


Tom Hunt

Sami Medkour

Alex Lafleur

Equipment required:

Cannon 550D

Zoom lens

Trip pod


Detail of shoot: (scenes)

The shoot revolved around a casual arranged day out with certain important moments from the day filmed to create a natural feel of friendship,

Swing scene within woods that highlights friendship and joyous memories,

Home scenes of friends playing on games console,

Detailing of death scene,

Establishing shots of locations,

Minor scenes within car

Restaurant scene


Special requirements: (details of props / costumes/ preparation)

Permission for footage in restaurant was granted, actively avoided filming other customers.

Gained driver’s (Tom Hunt’s) permission to film in his car

Swing location was previously inspected to see if it was appropriate and not hazardous to use tripod.

Costumes were simplistic with the main actor still being mainly presented in colourful clothes.







Contact with the band/ artist

Dear sir/madam

My name is Harry Donald, I am currently studying A2 media studies at sixth form and have been given the task to create a music video.I am writing to request the usage of Jose Gonzalez’s song ‘Stay Alive’ in my self created music video.I chose to use this song as I believe it is well composed and allows an intriguing narrative. I shall claim no credit or ownership of the song as itshall go to Jose Gonzalez.

I would appreciate it if you could respond to this email informing me of permission to use the song in my coursework.

Yours sincerely,

Harry Donald


(Sent to record label at


Risk Assessment

Rural locations: As a variety of my shots take place in woodland locations i must ensure my performers and I are being safe and responsible. This includes both looking after the things around us and ourselves. This is done through deliberating carefully where is safe to film. This can also be beneficial to the equipment. For example if a camera on a tripod is placed on uneven ground it will both get a wonky shot and be at risk of falling over.

Driving: Permission was taken before any shots were taken within the car owners vehicle so that the driver felt comfortable and wouldn’t risk an incident occurring.

Permission: when filming on private land, appropriate permission must be taken in order to film.

Shooting schedule

Saturday the 6th of August:
This was to both test my knowledge with the camera and equipment whilst filming interlinking scenes of the pair of friends and individual shots. This footage although created early was very effective and I believe shall be used in my final draft.

Saturday 20th august:
location: Pinner/ Pinner park
Tester footage of park and main location of church.
Footage also allowed me to use a potential actor for audition


Friday the 14th of October:
location: Home, restaurant & swing in the woods
filming friendship scenes and indoor scenes.